
UNDAerospaceMesahasjoinedforceswithUnitedAirlinestooffercurrentandformerstudentsandcertifiedflightinstructorsasecurepathtotheflight ...,BecomeanUnitedAirlinespilotthroughATPFlightSchool'strainingprogramandpartnershipwithUnited.UnitedAviateisasecurecareerpathleadingto ...,AviateProgram:AviateisUnited'spilotcareerdevelopmentprogramthatboastsanetworkof34+partnersacrossthecountry.Forthosewiththeir...

United Airlines Aviate Program at UND

UND Aerospace Mesa has joined forces with United Airlines to offer current and former students and certified flight instructors a secure path to the flight ...

Become a United Airlines Pilot Through United Aviate ATP ...

Become an United Airlines pilot through ATP Flight School's training program and partnership with United. United Aviate is a secure career path leading to ...

United Pilot Careers

Aviate Program: Aviate is United's pilot career development program that boasts a network of 34+ partners across the country. For those with their Commercial ...

United Aviate

This pilot career development program offers you a direct route to a United Airlines flight deck, the leading airline in the US. United's Aviate Program in ...

United Airlines selects Skyborne as partner flight school for Aviate

Skyborne Airline Academy Vero Beach partners with United Airline's Aviate program, offering Skyborne trainee pilots a route to the flight deck at United ...

Attending a partner university

Learn to fly at one of our Aviate partner universities. Auburn University, California Aeronautical University, Delaware State University, Elizabeth City State ...

Attending a partner flight school

Learn to fly at one of our Aviate partner flight schools. ATP Cornerstone Aviation, Epic Flight Academy, Phoenix East Aviation, United Aviate Academy.

Admissions and program details

Minimum admissions requirements for United Aviate Academy: · Are at least 18 years old · Are a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident (we do not sponsor foreign ...

Which Flight Schools Have Airline Partnerships?

3 天前 · Epic Flight Academy has locations in Texas, Florida, and Arizona. It is one of the flight schools in United's Aviate program and also has ...

Airline Pilot Hiring Partnerships for Students

Airline Partnerships with US Aviation Academy intentionally aim to provide the best options and resources for our pilot students.